Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Three art works

I chose this steal painting Two Sisters (On the Terrace), 1881 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir because it relates to self AS I can reflect with this painting. My mother used to take a picture of me and my sister when we were together. We always dressed up and had fun with costumes like these girls. She was always the tall one where I was the short one. I always was at my sister’s knee when she was sitting. I always wanted to be near my sister in a picture. When I was a child I always lived near beautiful areas of the country. My mother always wanted to take a picture everywhere we went.

This picture to the community would be looked as two sisters having a good time, posing for a family painting. I see beauty and innocence. It was back in the day of horse and carriage.

This painting Woman Descending the Staircase, 1965 by Gerhard Richter makes me feel like I’m that beautiful woman running down the staircase. I really like how this painter made a glow to the picture. I can picture myself just like that woman free and happy. That’s me during the Grammy's coming down the stairs. I like the colors in this painting the colors make it stand out in some way.

This painting Young Mother, 1888 by Mary Cassatt reflects to me when i was a child my mother always held me and kissed my cheek. I love how the mother shows love to her daughter. I wish I knew my mother more when I was younger. When I was a child I always had my hands in my mouth always wanted to be on my mother’s lap.

When the community looks at this painting they probably see how much the mother loves her child. They would see how the mother is kissing her child’s face and holding her so tight. I hope some of the viewers at least had an experience like this with their mother. The mother has her eyes closed so it’s more meaningful. Its very important as a young child to have a connection with their mothers