Monday, February 08, 2010

Defending Pecatonica

A small town, a town no bigger than the size of my high school of about two thousand people. This town is so small that if you are not from or do not know anyone from it, then it is nonexistent, and when people hear the name for the first time they usually go “Huh?”, “What?” or “Pecatonica?” But in a small town comes small town morals. If you meet someone from Pecatonica, it is never a person to feel hatred or regret towards. The people I have met from this town have been the most kind and giving people I have ever met. In this small town, where everyone knows everyone, dependability is a given. You can always count on this small town to have your back. They will defend themselves, others, and anyone else that needs a backup man. In addition, Pecatonica is a farming town. A plethora of people outside of town depend on the products and crops from the farms to sell in their town stores or to have in their homes. And in turn, farming is always an extra boost for the economy. For all the dairy lovers, Pecatonica has a Dean’s plant right in town to carry on the tradition that thousands of people love to share. The Dean’s plant sells to stores all over the state to supple people with the extremely delectable dairy products. With that, Eichman’s in town is a meat processing facility that also provides fresh meat to people all over. Furthermore, Pecatonica is the home to one of the summer’s greatest festivals—the Winnebago County Fair. Like many fairs, the Winnebago fair is full of entertainment and good old cooking. What not all fairs have is famous country artists like Riba Mcentire and Brooks and Dunn come to small towns like theirs. The country fair also has a flea market, rides, destruction derby, dirt bike racing, and 4H/FFA or boy scouts that raise farm animals to bring in to get judged. Even more, Pecatonica High School is known for its outstanding football team which has led to many victories, including playoffs, and is a team that preaches about team work and football morals before claiming to victory. The town also has two beautiful forest preserves where nature walks, picnics, and bike riding are very popular. Additionally, there is a prairie path with many scenic spots that goes through Pecatonica and travels all the way to Geneva. All of the businesses in town are family owned and everyone starts and ends their day with smile on their faces. So the next time you hear the name Pecatonica think what this small town really can do to contribute to society and your life.