Saturday, February 20, 2010

Defending Waukegan

People tend to call it a shit hole and, for the most part, it is. The town is a shadow of what it used to be. Upon first entering the village, you’ll notice pawnshops, off track gambling facilities, empty store fronts and pimpy cars. Unless you’re can’t afford to live anywhere else, chances are you only come to Waukegan to for court, the mental asylum or cocaine but if you actually slow down and focus on being in the city instead of leaving it, you’ll find that it has much more to offer. It’s not just a shit hole, it’s my shit hole!
It may be the only market around that will support a Ponderosa Steakhouse but, if you can shift your line of sight over to the building adjacent, you’ll also see that the market also supports a used car lot loaded with old, eclectic gems – where else can you find a working taxi cab from 1975? Waukegan is my Logan Square – it’s where you go when you want something a little different. It’s also home to some of the best independent restaurants around. Authentic Mexican joints and outstanding pizza parlors dating back to the 50’s are everywhere.
However, I wouldn’t step foot into any of the bars, especially with a hat on, since gangs are the city’s biggest drawback. In fact, it’s best to stay off Washington St entirely. It’s not uncommon for white people to be attacked or pulled over on Washington after the sun goes down. When in doubt be respectful.
The downtown section was at one point booming but is now more or less the loneliest part of town. Every other store front is vacant as the big business that was once dominant has moved elsewhere. Still, the Genesee Theater still hosts amazing show the view of Lake Michigan is most decent. Sure it’s lonely but, at least for me, it’s the good kind of lonely – the kind that draws me in instead of pushing me away.