Thursday, February 18, 2010

Defending The Neon

Defending The Inside of My Neon

It’s totaled now but when I had it people would make fun of it. But they would always want a ride. Sometimes I would even talk about it myself. But I would attack anyone who talked about it. The inside of it was small but somehow everyday after school it had about seven people in it. It’s crazy because the people who always would talk stuff were the ones on the bus stop. The ceiling fabric was slightly hanging off and if you were my height it would be irritating to sit in the back seat. I never did take it to a car wash because of the fact that the transmission was screwed, so when it was in neutral it was basically in drive, and it didn’t move at all when it was in reverse. So I had to be careful where I parked, and if I wasn’t I had to push it to a point to where I could drive it. But I did wash it myself a couple of times I was just to lazy to do it when it was really necessary.

I didn’t understand why people would talk about it so much because it was better than many other cars, and they were either walking or on the bus. I drove it to school everyday and never had a problem. But people would still talk about the size since I’m 6’4 in such a small car, but I was comfortable. After a while I started to dislike it but now I wish I had it. There are still people who talk about it, and they get told off still. Anyway I would take the neon and its crappy interior and bogus transmission over the CTA anytime.