Sunday, February 21, 2010

Defending My Home (I Think I Messed Up When I Was Posting It....)

If I had to choose one place in the whole world to defend I would have to pick my home. Not my country, not my state, not my city or the neighborhood that I stay in, just my house. It is the most important place to me. Even though I hate it with almost all of my guts, I couldn’t imagine me living anywhere else in the world.

I’ve always hated being stuck at home. I think this came about when I had my first sleepover at a friend’s house. Everything always looks better from the other side. And for me that was an absolute truth. I found that I could do almost everything that I couldn’t do at home I could do freely at other family members’ houses and my close friends. My parents didn’t allow us to watch television much, nor did they like use playing video games. Two things that any boy who’s coming of age needs and I hated it. No amount of pleading in the world could convince my parents to get me a game console or cable television. My later attempts at purchasing my own video games only ended in them taken away from me for undisclosed periods of time.

Aside from that I really didn’t get along much with the people in the house, specifically my rude, loud, and obnoxious little sister. She got me into more trouble than I can count on all the hands in a regular sized elementary school classroom. And ever since 2008 my cousins have been staying here as well. Each of them is either just as bad as or worse than my little sister. I and my father have been going at it with each other since I started high school and things with me and my mom have gotten a bit unstable at times.

But regardless of all of the unnecessary bashing that I’ve been doing on my house, I would have to agree when people say that “Home is where the heart is”. This is the place where I created nearly all of my most cherished memories; from my best birthdays to my worst. It’s where I learned the hard facts of life from my mother, who I can easily nominate for the mom of the century award. This is where I spent my summer vacations planning what I was going to do for my next one. This is where I celebrated my first and last Christmas, Easter and Halloween. Where I learned that playing with fire is not a smart thing and neither is sticking foreign objects inside of wall sockets. And this is the place where I can find shelter in my personal sanctuary that doubles as my bedroom.

My home is my safe-house from all of the nasty ills that this world has waiting around the corner. It’s the place where I grew up and it is my only home for the time being. There is nothing that can bring us apart no matter how far away I go. I will always find warm and friendly smiles whenever I walk through the front door.