Monday, February 15, 2010

Defending My House

Raquel Barney
Chet Gresham
February 8, 2010

Defending my . . .

It seemed to be a common thought for most people to think that my household was not a regular one. Why? Well because I grew up with divorced parents. It happened in the year 1998, when I was just eleven years old. I was old enough to understand that something was going on but not old enough to fully identify with the how, the why and every valuable detail that was secretly there. My family was different from those families having both parents in the lives of the children. I guess it was part of that whole American Dream.
Being the youngest of four, it wasn’t customary but it eventually evolved into being normal for me, as I grew older. I do not defend divorce, but I defend my household. I defend my household. Having both parents or one each sibling of mine grew to their own unique personality, some setting goals and successfully achieving them. I defend my household. Fortunately, my parent’s divorce was a motivator for me. Motivating me to a desire to obtain a beautiful, loving family. Motivating me to acquire motherhood and being a wife as a rewarding obligation. I defend my household. Alarmingly, my siblings and myself had no detestation or remorse towards neither parent nor each other. So I defend my household.
Uncommonly, my dad was still around. Not as much as we may have liked him to be, but the effort was there, as much as he sought. I do believe that because of this unfortunate and in some manner prosperous event, my family became stronger and created closer bonds between one another. Fortunately, my brother, two sisters and myself included, all looked to one another for help sometimes more than we did our parents circulating excessive amounts of love and respect. With all due respect, I will continue to defend my household.